====== 3M D-4000 Random Access Storage System ====== The 3M D-4000 is a storage drive used with the [[3m:d3000|]] character generator. It allows the operator to store up to 1000 pages on an 8" floppy diskette. This addition to the D-3000 also allows playback of pages at up to 12 per second to create animations. ===== Photos ===== {{:3m:3m_d4000.jpg?400|}} {{:3m:3m_d4000_rear.jpg?400|}} {{:3m:3m_d4000_remote.jpg?400|}} ===== References ===== * https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-BC-Engineering/BME/70s/BME-1975-03.pdf#page=66 * https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-BC-Engineering/BME/70s/BME-1976-05.pdf#page=73 * https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-BC-Engineering/BME/70s/BME-1976-03.pdf#page=84