====== Decade Engineering XBOB-4 ====== The XBOB-4 is a basic character generator manufactured and sold by Decade Engineering. The unit provides a low-cost CG solution allowing for text and graphics to be displayed on a standard TV monitor. The XBOB-4 is popularly used for point-of-sale (POS) video security systems and as an Emergency Alert System character generator used in low-power TV stations. Due to the very broad range of customer applications, no application software is provided by default, instead providing programming examples and technical details on its page.[(https://decade-engineering.com/cart0/xbob4)] In addition to being available with an enclosure, a optional variant is available without an enclosure.[(https://decade-engineering.com/cart0/xbob4g)] [[https://decade-engineering.com/cart0/xbob4|Visit website]] ===== Photos ===== {{:decade_engineering:xb4c-300wd.png?200|}} {{:decade_engineering:b4grab8.jpg?200|}} ===== Videos ===== {{youtube>HutUw4KT1LA}} ===== Documents ===== * {{ :decade_engineering:xb4appguide.pdf |XBOB-4 Application Guide}} * {{ :decade_engineering:xbob4quick.pdf |XBOB-4 Quick Start Guide}} ~~REFNOTES~~